Color My World

Have you ever wondered why the colors you see emotionally move you as with a sunset or “speak” to you when choosing colors to decorate your home or add to your wardrobe?  Have you ever gone to the market like I have and find yourself deciding what to buy by the color?  Color is an energy vibration that changes us. 
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A Slight Shift in Thinking…

As the year comes to an end, we celebrate with family and friends and remember the important events and people that have touched our lives.  New Years is a time for self-reflection and self-inquiry. It’s a time of renewal. It’s also a time to move forward and not stay stuck in the past, a time of self-discovery. As T.S. Elliot
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Dehydration and Holiday Stress

Drinking water seems to be the most obvious thing to do and therefore does not need to be addressed.  Au contraire.  Are you one of the many adults experiencing mild or moderate dehydration and don’t even know it?  Keeping yourself well hydrated is not just for when you exercise or during the warmer climate months.  You can get just as
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101 Reasons Not To Meditate

Why even bother to meditate when you get restless or bored, when you fidget or keep watching the clock?  Or when your thoughts are jumping around inside your head at 60 miles an hour?  What’s the point? As you develop a meditation practice, you may very well find yourself distracted especially in the beginning.  I refer to distractions as anything
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It’s A Miracle

Recently I had 3 clients, 3 days in a row say the same 3 words after their sound and color vibrational therapies session.  “It’s a miracle” flowed from their mouths with emotional relief and gratitude. Each client came to me with a different set of concerns.  Each of them experienced a different level of healing and transformation.   They described a
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Would You Walk on Broken Glass If…

American psychologist Rollo May states, “The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice, it’s conformity”.  Sometimes, it’s easier to stay the course and continue to do things the same way and not rock your boat.  It takes courage to break free. Courage is about performing certain acts in spite of fear.  It has been defined, as the ability
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The Big “D” Word

The other night I shared with my meditation students just one of the significant outcomes from my near death experience in 1994. Before that episode, I was not aware of how the pressure and stress I was under was truly affecting me because I loved everything I was doing. However, it was a control issue on my part. I thought
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Sonic Fasting to Reduce Stress

Sounds are a part of everyday life.  Sounds have been known to bombard our environment, and to what degree depends on where and how we choose to live.  Sounds either soothe or irritate the nervous system, which has the potential of creating either relaxation or constant underlying stress. Think about it.  Have you ever gotten in touch with and listened
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The Best Medicine and Antidote to Stress

April Fool’s Day inspired me to write about a powerful inner resource we have inside of us, a resource that also has the power to heal.   I am referring to humor and laughter, the kind everyone can benefit from, and not the kind that is at the expense of others like sarcastic humor. For many, laughter is effortless and natural
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Sound in Healing Stress Tip

Music can be used to heal and create harmony.  The next time you choose to listen to a music selection, place your attention on the sensations in the body, the images that surface in the mind, and the emotions that arise, while being aware of its inspirational divine nature. When you are finished listening, ask yourself these 3 questions.  
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Colds and Flu Prevention Tips

The deep freeze and fluctuating temperatures surprised much of the country this past week.  Even here in south Florida, the air was a little nippy.  Now what can follow, as you know, is an increase in colds & flu. The condition of your body can determine whether or not you get sick with the flu.  If your resistance, energy and
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3 Tips for a Healthy and Joyful Holiday Season

Eat Mindfully Help prevent the guilt and stress from overeating and gaining weight.  Eat slowly to savor the tastes, enjoy the textures and delight in the colors and aromas of the foods.  This will also lessen your desire for second helpings.  Be aware of the body’s signals of being full and satisfied, and not stuffed and uncomfortable. Do not skip meals or cut
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