Dehydration and Holiday Stress

Drinking water seems to be the most obvious thing to do and therefore does not need to be addressed.  Au contraire.  Are you one of the many adults experiencing mild or moderate dehydration and don’t even know it?  Keeping yourself well hydrated is not just for when you exercise or during the warmer climate months.  You can get just as
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101 Reasons Not To Meditate

Why even bother to meditate when you get restless or bored, when you fidget or keep watching the clock?  Or when your thoughts are jumping around inside your head at 60 miles an hour?  What’s the point? As you develop a meditation practice, you may very well find yourself distracted especially in the beginning.  I refer to distractions as anything
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It’s A Miracle

Recently I had 3 clients, 3 days in a row say the same 3 words after their sound and color vibrational therapies session.  “It’s a miracle” flowed from their mouths with emotional relief and gratitude. Each client came to me with a different set of concerns.  Each of them experienced a different level of healing and transformation.   They described a
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