The sound of the wind may be as soft as a whisper across your skin or as loud as the roaring sound of rumbling thunder. Perhaps you hear no sound at all but feel drawn, an inner pull, a sense of eagerness and desire that resonates from within. This nudge is the call to create, and it is universal, bidding
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Is Every Moment a Spiritual Experience?
Life is full of experiences. We have a choice in how we perceive those encounters. Experiences are not about seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. It’s about experiencing all aspects of life as gifts from a higher source. We came to earth as a spiritual being wanting to experience life as a human being – to feel, see, smell, hear, and
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The Light of the Summer Solstice
The summer solstice, the first day of summer and the longest day of the year, has been celebrated since I was knee-high to a grasshopper – well actually since ancient times. I live in south Florida where the solstice this year in 2021 falls on June 20 at 11:32 pm EDT which also happens to be Father’s Day. The most
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Moving Out of Pandemic Limbo
Since the onset of the pandemic, we have all experienced some form of isolation, alienation, anxiety, or loss. We have felt the psychological and social impact of prolonged exposure to this stress. To what extent has our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health been affected? By what means do we process what we have experienced? After living in pandemic limbo,
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The Brain’s Role in Happiness
There are as many definitions or experiences of happiness as there are people. Happiness is an emotion, a transient feeling generated by our thoughts in the moment. We experience moments of happiness, as it is a fleeting emotion and not a constant state. Though happiness is unique to each of us, one commonality is that people have control over their
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2021 New Year’s Message
This is the first day of a New Beginning in Florida’s sunshine. I sat outside in my yard, looking at the lake. The graceful movement of the water was calming. I listened to a bird calling out. The song was accompanied by the deep, rich sounds of my hanging chimes. The soothing melody traveled with the blowing wind. During these
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How to Prevent Viral and Bacterial Infections
The recent outbreak of the coronavirus and my clients’ questions and discussions surrounding this topic has inspired me to write this article. Many different types of microorganisms exist in the world. Face it; viruses and bacteria surround us. However, some individuals become infected, and while others are not affected when exposed to the same microbes. Why? Lifestyle factors and the
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7 Things to Know for the Holidays
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year”, “Tis the season to be jolly”, and “Festival of Lights” are some of the sentiments of the holiday season but it’s also a time when stress can surface. However, frustration and pressure do not need to be on the holiday menu or guest list. You can help reduce stress by remembering these
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Being Grateful for Everything
Thanksgiving is a time to show our appreciation for what we have in life, to turn our attention toward what truly matters. As we look at life through the lenses of gratitude, we remove the blinders and can see the world and the people in our lives as blessings and gifts. We can view the world the same as we
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10 Signs of Sleep Deprivation
Have you been known to doze off while working at the computer or during a business meeting? Do you feel tired daily? Are you one of the many running around sleep-deprived? Then, you may want to read on. More and more people are suffering from sleep deprivation. It means we are not getting an adequate amount of sleep to function
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6 Easy Ways to Avert Stress
Is it worth knowing a few simple ways to help redirect, reduce or prevent stress? We don’t always have the time to manage the root cause and symptoms of our stressors. Yet, we can make a few changes before and during stressful moments to stay focused and calm until we can take a deeper dive into coping with our daily
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Signs We are Evolving
How do you know you are evolving? This question was an inquiry by my client during a nurse coaching session. Life change begins in consciousness. The potential for change can be scary and uncomfortable, and uplifting and freeing all at the same time. Some choose to embrace change while others resist. Evolving is about opening our awareness, tapping into our
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