This is the first day of a New Beginning in Florida’s sunshine. I sat outside in my yard, looking at the lake. The graceful movement of the water was calming. I listened to a bird calling out. The song was accompanied by the deep, rich sounds of my hanging chimes. The soothing melody traveled with the blowing wind.
During these sacred moments, I reflected on this past year. In doing so, I turned my attention inward. I found myself acknowledging and appreciating what got me through 2020. First, I recognized my qualities and behaviors. Then, I reminisced on how I helped others along the way. In addition, I thought about what I accomplished this year. Finally, I came to realize the images and emotions that surfaced were a way of saying thank you to myself.
There is much focus on giving thanks, nowadays. We are voice our appreciation and gratitude toward others. However, how often do we direct the same thanks toward ourselves? With this in mind, let’s look at self-appreciation and self-love. These are indeed healthy ways of cultivating positive self-talk, for sure. To put in differently, thanking yourself is extending kindness to yourself. In doing so, you may even feel an outpouring of happiness as well as a wave of joy in the process.
I thank myself for:
- Faith in the Divine
- Love and compassion for family, friends, and fur baby Asia
- Caring for others
- Believing in others
- Self-care daily routine
- Allowing myself to just “be” without “doing”
- Determination
- Courage
- Trusting my intuition
- Rekindling old friendships and new relationships (thanks Zoom)
- Forgiving myself for my mistakes
- Helping strangers
- Binging on Netflix and Hallmark
- Receiving love and appreciation
- Observing myself without judgement
- Showing and expressing gratitude
- Communing with nature
- Resilience
- Publishing my book
- Being alive
My New Year’s Resolution
I choose to spread love, listen more, serve others, and be grateful for each day. Much love and light for 2021!
So, as you reflect on this past year, what are you thanking yourself for?
Next, I would love for you to share your insights.
Note: The information contained in this article is for educational purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Furthermore, consult with your doctor first before starting any new practices or health programs.
Copywriter Notice: No part of this article may be used without the written permission of Jan Kinder.
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