The Light of the Summer Solstice

The summer solstice, the first day of summer and the longest day of the year, has been celebrated since I was knee-high to a grasshopper – well actually since ancient times. I live in south Florida where the solstice this year in 2021 falls on June 20 at 11:32 pm EDT which also happens to be Father’s Day.

The most well-known summer solstice celebration has been held at Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England. The 5000-year-old stone circle monument and masterpiece was built in alignment with the sun’s movements and continues to be a place of inspiration for visitors.

Summer invites us to let the light in, to ask our soul to receive the light of source. It is a time to transform the past into something positive, start something fresh, and find new meaning along our path. It is a time to feel a deep connection with the divine energies that surround us and brighten the light inside all of us.

As the sun warms our hearts with hope and joy, our renewed spirit transitions into a brighter light. Our perceptions shift. As we come into the light, our spirits long to absorb the revitalizing and fire energy of the sun. We awaken to the light that inspires us. We become one with the harmony and peace that is inside each of us. We share our hope and compassion and create a sense of unity for all your loved ones.

The summer solstice invites us to pay tribute to the sun that symbolizes the light of consciousness. I’m sharing seven ways to enjoy the love and light of the sun.

7 ways to celebrate this day:

  • Light a candle. Keep a candle lit day and night in honor of the sun and the light within each of us. Expand your love and light out to the world.
  • Meditate. Go beyond the mental clutter and spend moments in silence. Close the eyes and become aware of the flow of the breath. Or meditate with the eyes open. Gaze into the candle flame or beautiful flower.
  • Express gratitude. Reflect on your unique journey. Honor your achievements so far this year. Stay open to new beginnings and new opportunities that come your way.
  • Be in nature. Sense how you are a part of nature. Watch the sunrise and sunset. Show appreciation for the wonder and beauty of the life that surrounds you. Feel the support of mother earth beneath you. Feel the sun’s nourishing rays on the skin and face and give thanks.
  • Plan a feast. Have an outdoor party with lots of fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Light a fire. Light your outdoor event with tiki torches or create a sacred fire pit. Pay tribute to the light and power of the sun and the magic of fire.
  • Celebrate. Tune in to the wonder and blessings of life. Create circle dances, sing, and drum. Have fun!

“This is the solstice, the still point of the sun, its cusp and midnight, the year’s threshold and unlocking, where the past lets go of and becomes the future; the place of caught breath.”

– Margaret Atwood


How did you celebrate this landmark day? Please email me and share.


Copywriter Notice: No part of this article may be used without the written permission of Jan Kinder.

Categories: Uncategorized.
About Jan Kinder

Jan Kinder, RN, BA, HN-BC, HWNC-BC, a leader in the wellness paradigm and the healing arts, is a board-certified holistic nurse and health and wellness nurse coach, music therapist, international speaker, and author. Her private practice specializes in holistic stress solutions and resiliency, meditation and spiritual mentoring, and vibrational sound and color therapies. She is a transformational leader and among the first certified Chopra Center instructors. Ms. Kinder has been featured in publications like Palm Beach Illustrated, Travel and Leisure, Organic Spa, The Wall Street Journal and LA Confidential.

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